Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

As this year comes to a close, I've been reflecting on the roller coaster that was 2011.  I've been so blessed to find success as a realtor--a career I enjoy, one that gives me the opportunity to help others and allows me to have a balanced and rich family life.  I'm so thankful for family & friends, clients & colleagues who have helped me to grow in 2011.

And as for 2012?  Well, it promises to be a great year...because I'm going to make it one.  The best is yet to come!
My wish for you is that 2012 is full of health, happiness and prosperity; that you can live your dreams and make it your best year yet.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No Chimney for Santa? No Problem!

 If your house doesn't have a chimney for Santa, hang a special key on your doorknob.  Santa's magic will allow him to open your door, deliver the presents and enjoy the milk and cookies you've left for him. 
Santa will leave the magic key by the empty plate of cookies so you can hang it up again next Christmas.  No chimney, no problem!

Rent vs. Buy

Should you rent or buy a home?  With interest rates at their lowest point in sixty years and rents briskly increasing in most cities, for most people, the answer is buying a home. 

Of course, home ownership carries other costs in addition to the monthly mortgage payment—including taxes, insurance, homeowner association dues and maintenance—which may dissuade some potential home buyers. But keep in mind these extra costs allow you to build equity in your home. If you plan to stay in your home for at least five to seven years, the equity from your down payment and monthly mortgage payments is a primary way for middle class families to build net worth. 

The New York Times buy vs. rent calculator is an interesting tool.  It takes into account the costs of home ownership, even calculating the lost opportunity cost of using  funds for down payment versus investing that money.  It also calculates the lost opportunity cost of using rental payments for investment purposes.  The reality is that you need to pay to live somewhere, whether you rent or buy, so really those funds wouldn't go solely to investments. 

Whether you use an online calculator to crunch the numbers or follow the anecdotal principle that real estate success is to be made on the "buy side" (and, wow, is it a great time to buy), give me a call and we can talk about renting vs. buying in your specific situation.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Deadline for Deductions Approaching

You have until December 31, 2011 to file your homestead and mortgage exemptions.  If you've purchased, sold, refinanced, or changed title, please make sure you have taken care of this to drastically reduce your property taxes owed.  Deductions reduce the amount of assessed value a taxpayer pays on a given parcel of property.

For more information, in Hamilton County, visit the website for the auditor's office.  In Boone County, visit the auditor's website or call (765)482-2940. 

You do not need to do this every year, only in the cases of selling, refinancing or changing title.  Give me a call if you need any further assistance. I'm happy to point you in the right direction. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Neighborhood Holiday Traditions

Our neighborhood has a lovely tradition of lighting luminaries.  The entire neighborhood just looks so cozy and charming. 
My valiant husband tried to light our luminaries in near-blizzard conditions last year.  The kids and I watched him trudge through the snow to light each one, only to have each luminary be extinguished by wind gusts as he lit the next. We may have giggled. 

That's the beauty of traditions.  They provide great memories and good laughs.

Does your neighborhood have any special holiday traditions?